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Top 10 Reasons Children See a Chiropractor!

Written By Plateau Chiropractic and Massage on January 31, 2023

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Top 10 Reasons Children See a Chiropractor!

  • Promotes proper development with growth of the children’s spine and body.
  • Improves posture and structure overall, which help aid in the growing pains and development of the spine.
  • Encourages nerve and brain development, which can help guide the neural plasticity in the brain and body.
  • Increases the strength of the immunity in the child’s body, which can reduce the frequency of allergies, asthma, earaches, coughs and colds.
  • Reduce the frequency of disturbances in their sleeping patterns and can help with bedwetting.
  • Helps children who suffer from digestive problems, IBS or other tummy issues.
  • Maximizes the capacity of the children’s ability to learn and concentrate.
  • Helps assist behavioral issues, disorders, or conditions like hyperactivity, ADHD, and ADD.
  • Can help issues that are related to breastfeeding or colic.
  • Increases the overall well being of the child to have a healthier lifestyle and overall functioning body systems.

There are some common reasons which parents seek chiropractic care for their children. Some of these reasons can be sports injuries, other injuries or trauma. Parents can be on the lookout for signaling signs that can affect a child’s development. To name a few of these signs are issues breastfeeding and only being able to latch onto one side, running with a limp, and postural issues with changes while growing.

Some of the spine problems that can cause issues in adults could have potentially started from birth. When a baby is born, there is a possibility of significant damage or trauma to the spinal cord, or alignment issues with the vertebra (bones of the spine), which can lead to posture issues with the spinal column. Due to the way the birthing process happens, parents seek out a chiropractor to get the child’s spine checked for irregularities in the structure of the spine. When you see how infants grow from birth, hold their head up for the first time, when they start to roll over, crawl and eventually start to walk. All of these development stages can affect how the spine is aligned, and if the spine is off by just a little bit it can create pressure and irritation to the spine and nervous system. Some of these irritations to the spine can affect other health issues like earaches, chronic infections, irregular sleeping patterns, allergic reactions, colic, nursing or breastfeeding issues, and some types of breathing patterns. All of these issues can be linked back to the potential damage or pressure that is being put on the nervous system by the vertebra in the spine.

When looking at how the child’s development is linked to the spinal column and nervous system, it’s important to realize that nerves control everything in our body. How they become affected due to the vertebras of the spine being out of place is what makes our function in our systems amazing or altered in some way. Think about the systems in our bodies that control everything about how we operate, as there are multiple systems that create us. The circulatory system controls how our blood flow is regulated. The respiratory system enables our bodies to get the correct amount of airflow inside our lungs. The digestive system regulates how we digest different types of fluids and food. The musculoskeletal system allows our body and muscles to move us they way we want to move. The hormonal system maintains the body’s homeostasis. The immune system fights the unwanted germs that can causes different diseases in our body. The spine is the gateway to make sure all of these systems works in unison, and when one or multiple vertebra of the spine are misaligned or out of place, it can put pressure on the nerves that are entering and exiting the spine, which causes issues with our health that can lead to other concerns overall.

The chiropractor can help all of these issues by making sure the child’s spine is aligned perfectly without any misalignments. When the chiropractor finds an area that is out of place, the chiropractic adjustment can restore the function to the body and this leads to less overall irritation of the nerves. The less your spine is misaligned; this can allow your body to function at the utmost capacity and lead to a healthier overall well being for the child. Seeking out a chiropractor throughout the lifetime of the child can help maintain the defense system of the body, and allows the overall performance of the spine and body to achieve maximum performance.


Posted In: Chiropractic Neck Pain Back Pain