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Extremity Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments mostly deal with your musculoskeletal system, which
entails your skeleton and the muscles that are attached to it. When the joints of the
skeletal system become misaligned, it can cause more pain that can travel across
and around your body. When this pain occurs it is because the tissues and muscles
around the joint are stretching more than usual, and this creates a weakness in the
muscle adjacent to the joint. Every articulation with joints in the body can become
susceptible to being misaligned, and this creates and impairment in ranges of
motion and function, which can lead to pain in the affected area.

With having repetitive activities that everyone does daily, this can cause your joints
in your extremities to become over active and painful. Everyone does simple actions
throughout their day like walking, running, using a keyboard and mouse, turning
door handles, throwing a ball, cleaning the house, etc. All of these ordinary daily
tasks that seem to be on a repetitive cycle, create problem areas in your body, which
could lead your body to have a repetitive stress type of injury.

There can be multiple factors that have lead you down the path to be more
vulnerable to these repetitive stress injuries. The underlying first signs of having a
possible repetitive stress injury is the pain or soreness, tingling or numbness that
are accompanied by a repetitive task with your neck, shoulders, arms, hands, wrists,
fingers, knees and ankles.

An extremity adjustment helps with realigning the joints of the TMJ, shoulders,
elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, hips, knees, ankles, feet and toes. With aligning these
joints with an adjustment, it will help restore the proper function and strength of
that muscle and eventually the joint. With doing extremity adjustments on the areas
of your body that are in pain, it can help to alleviate carpal tunnel syndromes, frozen
shoulders, upper and lower extremity pain, and can help you walk better if your
knees and ankles are affected as well.

Chiropractic care with extremity adjustments helps restore the proper and normal
range of motion within the joint or joints that are injured, allowing full range of
motion without any limitation of movement. When the joints in the body are able to
get back to fully functioning without any impingement, then the nerves will not have
that additional pressure that gives you the sensation of pain, tingling or numbness.

Call (425) 868-9593 Today to Schedule an Appointment!